Fixed Deposit
The bankers view

Trust deposits are made for three basic reasons:
1) Pose for the disposition of a domain after demise sans the use of a will or administration,
2) Hide from others info of financial standing, or
3) Escalate deposits where a prescribed limit is set upon single deposits.
Lastly, fixed deposits offer investors a relatively safe avenue for parking their funds, albeit at the risk of earning a slightly lower return on investment. At the end of the day, it is up to the individual investor to decide for themselves whether they wish to pursue a high return-high risk approach or a relatively lower but largely safe investment approach.

Types of Companies offering Fixed Deposits
- Financial Institutions
- Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs)
- Manufacturing Companies
- Housing Finance Companies
- Government Companies
You can choose how frequently you want to receive your interest payments:
- Maturity
- Yearly
- Half-yearly
- Quarterly
- Monthly